And we sing, sing without a reason.

God I miss the Lostprophets. They put out new stuff but nothing compares to Start Something.
Hi. That part of this blog was pointless as is this. I'm actually only writing this because it is 5 AM in Boston right now, and I can't sleep. Also, there's a slight guarantee that no one is going to see it.
I don't understand why there are 30 days of a One Direction challenge. I just don't. Don't get me wrong, they're catchy but that's it. There's no substance. When I was in middle/high school, my main 3 bands were, in order: Fall Out Boy, Lostprophets, and MCR. Don't get me wrong, again. I wasn't one of those assholes who only likes 3 bands. I liked nearly everything and listened to nearly everything. But those three bands saved my life more than once. Have you ever heard some random be like "omfg 1D saved my life!!" I doubt it. If you have, that's a unique person.
I don't even know what the point of this is.
Another small rant- I hate when people assume being heartbroken means that you've been broken up with. That's my only thought there. Take from it what you will.
Sorry if I offended the 1D fans. Like I said, they are catchy. But so is Ke$ha on some days.
August 13th, 2012 at 11:07am