I'm not dead

Yeah, uh, hi. Sorry I haven't been around at all. Sad truth is I've been a lazy fucktard. And now we're back on the vicious cycle where I'm back in college and I'll be busy. I feel horrible for not finishing Vampyrer ;-; I really wanted to. I dunno, I think my motivation went south and now it's completely MIA. So here's what I'm gonna do, I'll put it on hiatus. I do plan on finishing it at some point.

I haven't written anything in so long, I feel rusty. I miss it, don't think that I don't. I don't know when but I will finish Vampyrer. And I promised I was going to fix and re-upload Gunslinger. Haven't forgotten about that either. Now I'm working on a new story. It has nothing to do with fanfiction, it'll be an original story. That one, I wanna be really careful with it. I won't upload it until I'm happy with the finished result, so that might take a long time. I'll try to take advantage of these first few weeks and work on Vampyrer. That will be my focus. Then, I'll work on Gunslinger and a little bit on the original story. We'll see how that plays out.

Again, I'm really, really sorry :(
August 13th, 2012 at 08:44pm