Day 14, 15, 16: A picture of you from last year - how have you changed; death row meal; your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it.

I've been slacking on these!

Day 14: A picture of yourself from last year; how have you changed?


I'd like to think I've changed for the better, based on looks.. I look HORRIBLE as a blond. Other than hair changing and ear gauging, I haven't changed that much since last year. I think I've matured slightly. I've grown to accept who I am. I also graduated high school! It took a year longer than everyone else, but I did it.

I really haven't changed much, other than my hair.


Day 15: Death row meal. What is that supposed to even mean? The last thing I'd like to eat before being sentenced to death? I hope I'm not taking it too literally, ahah.

If I'm right, then I must say I would LOVE a whole bunch of frozen yogurt. A twist of original, vanilla, and chocolate. No toppings. Just plain old original, vanilla, chocolate froyo. I adore froyo. I would very much enjoy myself if that were my last meal.


Oh my gosh is this seriously not even 200 words yet? I guess I'll do the next day, too..

Day 16: Your opinion on your body and how comfortable you are with it.

Well.. I'm not comfortable with my height. I'm 5'6" or 5'7", and I HATE when girls complain about being short! You know most guys like short girls, and how they can be both adorable AND sexy. But tall girls are just.. tall, and guys get nervous when they're eye-level with me. Every guy I talk to prefers a girl to be shorter than them. I can't wear heels around so many guys!

But I guess it's not all bad. My legs are thin so I can pull off skinny jeans and tight skirts. I'm really skinny all around, and I like that. I'm not a twig, but I'm by no means fat. I watch what I eat and I exercise regularly to maintain my body. I'm not one of those lucky souls who can devour froyo all day (which I would LOVE to do) and still be skinny. My metabolism is oddly slow. I gain weight very easily. It takes a lot of work for me to maintain a figure, and as annoying as it is, I like it this way. I like being able to say I've worked for a body I love.

If I could change my height, though, undoubtedly I'd take off at least two inches. One or two. Those two inches would do so much for my self esteem. I'd also love to drop a cup size. Something happened in the past year and my boobs have gone up a cup and a half, and I don't want big boobs!
August 14th, 2012 at 03:53am