Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

My bank.. Oh my gosh. I had ordered some things online a while ago and the order was just confirmed this afternoon. I was checking my bank account online and saw the worst thing ever.


WITH A $35 OVERDRAFT FEE ON TOP OF THAT. I owe the bank one hundred fucking dollars! All my money has been transfered to my savings because I need to stop spending every last cent I have. I have my account set up specifically so that if I go over my checking balance, it will NOT dig into my savings like I used to have it do. I also have it set up that it will alert me whenever I don't have enough money to take out or charge, but that doesn't work when something I ordered online didn't process until after I had moved the money into my savings.

And I moved that money from my savings into a third account to remain untouched. It's for college. So I can't even take that out! I'm screwed until NEXT Thursday, not this coming Thursday, NEXT Thursday when I get paid! I get paid biweekly and there's no way I can ask them to give me half my check early!

Fuck! That $35 overdraft fee is charged every week until you pay them! So I may even owe them 130 some odd dollars, and I'll be SO FUCKED. That's nearly my entire check! What if I don't even have enough?!

The worst part is that I can't tell my mom because she will flip a fucking shit. I'm so irresponsible with money; that's why the third account was made and I CAN NOT touch that. She's been monitoring it like a hawk, as she should be. But, FUCKKKKKKKK! This couldn't have happened a few weeks ago before that third account was set up?!

Why am I so stupid and poor!
August 14th, 2012 at 05:55am