By George, I Think I Know What I'm Doing Wrong!

So, as I said in my last blog entry, I was bitching and moaning about not having enough subscribers or comments on my stories (preferably my Jake Pitt's fan-fic) and I was also complaining about people who just can't seem to write or use punctuation or proper grammar in their stories but anyway, I think I understand what I'm doing wrong in my fan-fic.
I've read through all the stories I've subscribed to and as I read through them I'm realizing that there is a lot of drama and a lot of conflict between the characters and that's what I think my story is lacking! Conflict! Resolution! I think subconsciously, I'm trying to steer away from any sort of major conflict in my stories 'cause I just get a little too attached to my characters and suddenly, it's like, if that one character gets hurt and lied to by another character, I'll be feeling the hurt. It sounds silly I know. I also think it has to do with my older stories from when I added too much conflict that I didn't know how to go from there. I honestly don't know. If this is the problem to my writing then, how do I resolve it? How do I add the conflict into the story to make it interesting without having to revise my whole fan-fic?

August 14th, 2012 at 08:12pm