Song inspired story challenge// Personal stuffs that no one cares about

I'm going to do an entire 13 one-shots inspired by an entire 13 Panic! At The Disco songs. One story per song; I'm doing the entire first album: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out.

Yes, I admit this is me trying to get publicity, but who doesn't want at least a little bit of that?

Anyway, I'll even do Introduction and Intermission, although that might be more prose-ish than I normally aim for.

Song titles will be story titles and the album is going in order, from Introduction to Build God, Then We'll Talk.

I'm quite enjoying this idea~

Oh my goodness it's going to take me a long time to do this ._.


Anyway. If you don't like personal things about people, this is where you stop reading. If you wanna know every little detail about Chuuuuuu's recent personal life, continue past this point.



My desktop, laptop, and oldest kitty are all buried out in the backyard because of a hissy-fit thrown by my dad. And a gun.

Luckily, I have a friend that lets me use his laptop and may even let me buy it off him, so until I actually get something to type on, things will possibly be going slow. Either that, or Friend's parents are gonna learn to set a place for me at the dinner table, only to figure out that I'm feeding all the food to their dog, and then not set places for me at the table ever again.


That was pointless.


That was also all I needed to say.
August 16th, 2012 at 10:48am