You Wanna Hear A Secret?

I, KayBabycakes, am starting to hate people. Why, you might ask? Because most are rude, selfish, and down right stupid.

Now, I'm not saying everyone is like that, because I know some wonderful people that give me hope. Such as my mom, & my best friends.

But this little rant is aimed at the people I have meet that think they know EVERYTHING. The ones that make rude ass comments. The ones that feel the need to fuck you over then expect stuff from you.

I'll post some examples, so you guys don't think I'm just an antisocial bitch. (Truthfully, I'm actually very social. I just don't like a vast amount of people I socialize with. If that makes any sense. Lol.)

1.) I had this best friend. Let's call her chelley, who I told everything to. At the time I had this douche bag boyfriend, (I could go on for days about the bullshit I took from him.) And we were having problems in our relationship. I confided in my friend, because, well that's what bestfriends are for. Heheh.
Well, long story short, she fucked him, he told her to never say anything to me about it, she told another close friend of mine, let's call her sally, and she of course told me.
Fucked up, right? Well, it gets better. Turns out ALL of my friends knew about it. None even bothered to tell me. Apparently they were betting on who would tell me, Ahaha, because my broken heart was just a joke to them. Great friends I have.

I feel this is becoming way too long.
I'll make a part two later with more examples of why I hate people now.
Anyone else have the hatred for people like me? Someone, anyone, please tell me I'm not alone on this. -.-
August 16th, 2012 at 07:03pm