Man I just love Metallica.

Hello, world.~

I'm going to tell you all how I met my girlfriend.

I was having a Halloween party on October 29 of last year, and I somehow managed to steal my friend's iPhone for basically the entire night. I was on one of my roleplay accounts on twitter, which was @lynz_way at the time. I think I tweeted something about making coffee and this M. Shadows fake asked if he could have a cup and from there, the conversation ran until four in the morning. 

Little did I know that seven months later, I'd be dating the person behind that M. Shadows account. Well, not "dating" exactly. There's one little problem. She lives in New York, and I live in Michigan. It isn't too far; only a seven hour drive. And I cannot wait to meet her one day.

Ashley is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade the past two months with her for the world and I love her more than anything. She's my reason for living. 

Anyway, I'll quit being all mushy and stuff and yeah. I decided to just kinda not write Beast and the Harlot because laziness. But something else is kinda a work in progress so. 

Oh and did I mention that Brian Haner replied to me on twitter today? I didn't? Well he did and I peed myself. Not really but I screamed a little bit. 

Anyway I guess that's all I have to say for now so bye. 
August 17th, 2012 at 06:10am