Dreams Can't Be Categorized

Like a lot of people, when I get confused about a dream, I look up some stuff about it online. I go through yahooanswers (my primary, and probably idiotic first reference), dream dictionaries, and the ever dreaded forums.

There are always those users who think they know everything about dreams.

In this case, I was looking up third person dreaming without the dreamer in it (in my dream, I watched some strange (Korean I believe) pop group making music videos in this park I'd never seen before. I wasn't in the dream myself or someone else in dream).

While I was trying to look for a situation similar to my own, I had to go through a lot of different questions and some users would give such cocky reviews to innocent questions.

"Everyone has those sort of dreams, get over it, you're not special. I dream in all points of view and all my dreams have deep, signification meanings and blah blah blah..."

You get the point.

Anyway, those comments really irk me. Granted, sometimes the people asking the question just want to think that their dreaming styles are unique, but some are just asking genuine questions (i.e. Does this mean anything?, I really hate these kind of dreams, how can I go back?, etc.).

I know the users may be trying to help answer the question but they do it in such a brash was that it often rubs me the wrong way. Scientists don't know everything on dreams and their connection with memories so it annoys me when the users act as if they have the definite answer themselves.

Dreaming styles can be similar but I think they're scenarios are very individual and can mean something different for everyone. If I dream of a shark, it certainly won't be because I admire it like a marine biologist might. It might not also be because because I'm angry or hostile (Dreammoods). I don't think dreams should be so quickly categorized when we don't know everything about them.

ANYWAY, so has anyone on here dreamt like I had? Again, I'm just curious if it means anything because I know most people usually do have themselves in their dream (me included, this is pretty rare for me).
August 17th, 2012 at 07:46am