I have started writing a Jamie/Stuart oneshot.
It's weird because the story starts with 9 years-old Jamie burning ants. :') FACT. He mentionned that as a kid he was a cruel little shit that set things on fire all the time in a Kerrang interview. Random fact I learnt while creeping on Dragonninja, I wanted to use it. 

And... It has... Bullied Stuart. The Stuart without the muscles, with the glasses! 
The thing is it's getting a little long and I think I should split it in two or three. Should I? 

Here is the first nugget.

The dark haired boy lit up a match, his eyes glistening at the sight of the dancing flame. A smile spread onto his face as he knelt down onto the battered grass of the little garden at the back of his house. He watched as the ants ran on the dry earth, and a cruel spark appeared in his brown eyes as he lowered the match to the ground, right on an ant. 

"Jamie! Come help Mam to set the table!" the voice of his older brother called. 

The boy huffed sulkily, shaking the match to unlight it, and threw the blackened piece of wood to the ground, leaving the burnt ants to their agony, starting to walk back towards the house, when he caught a glimpse of a silhouette, behind the bushes that separated the neighbouring house. 
There was a boy, a few years older than Jamie, taller too, lanky, a mop of dark hair on his head. His dark blue eyes were zoomed with the thick glasses he wore, and his slightly open mouth revealed his set of braces. 

Jamie stood there looking at him for a second, and the boy did the same, before Jamie, suddenly freaked out, ran towards his house the quickest his little 9-years-old legs allowed him to.

This ain't 200 words. Fuck you mibba. What do I do when I want advice and I don't have random things to put in there? Don't you see that the rest of the 200 words are filled with shit no one cares about? Seriously... Soon they will be checking if we're saying interesting things and delete if we're talking about pancakes.

At the swimming pool, there was a French boy called Sean. Or Shaun. Or Shawn. Whatever. It sounded like Sean. His brother was called Eoin, his sister Gwen. I spazzed each time I heard the kid's name because I'm not used to hear the name Sean here. So everytime I was like "SEAN SMITH? WHERE?". 

Yes. The musical rant of the day is about Rise Against. These guys are really underrated or is it just me? Tim McIlrath has an exceptional voice, they kill it live, they do supergood hardcore punk, with catchy melodies and big guitars, singalongs, but all is still hard and the lyrics oh my god. They're an engaged band, they did this anti gay bullying song, and the one liners. Gosh. "We've all been hurt, but how we survive is what makes us who we are" "All we are are pretty faces, pitcure perfect bottled rage, packaged synthesized versions of you."  and these are just some. 
August 18th, 2012 at 07:59pm