Thoughts of an Undead Writer


Whoa, shit, whoa, wow, WHAT?

Those are my thoughts.

Like... "A really REALLY good friend of mine, who is an absolutely AMAZING author and an even more amazing person, received hate. Why, I have no fucking clue. But, it hurt her. And she's made the decision to leave Mibba because of it." (iron and wine.). And also... "About a day ago, I read a really sad and frustrating blog post by Non Omnis Moriar. She's a talented 1D fic writer and her stories are amazing. I haven't personally read everything by her, but her most popular piece, Bloodstream, received a lot of comments and recommendations as it was such a great story. Besides that, she had other 1D fics that I'm spoilt for choices." (notweirdbutunique).

And there are lots more saying stuff about me; chasing carousels; (First, let me address the fact that I am inexplicably angry at the fact that someone as talented as her received such hate. Yes, she’s only been writing a month, but that doesn’t matter. She’s got an amazing talent and because of whoever sent that hate, that talent is being stifled. It angers me that she’s gone because of one person, but that is something I cannot change. It is her choice.

carousels; wrote "To me, when my friend left, I got really sad because she was someone I really looked up to. She came up with so many ideas, and I just loved them all. I wanted to read them all, but I'm not even sure if she will come back to finish them, and it makes me deeply sad."

louis tomlinson., who I have heard nothing about, wrote about ME. "But anywho, so recently, a Mibba user by the name of Non Omnis Moriar left because of someone leaving hate on her One Direction story. And even though I didn't know her, I read one of her stories and was absolutely blown away."

And then, my dear heatherlight wrote this piece, "And two, you're just going to love this, I reported the messager. She's gone. She's banned from Mibba and she's never coming back. I hope she rots in hell, honestly. She hurt May. May is a wonderful person, a wonderful writer. How the FUCK can you not like her? God damn it, I fucking despise haters."

And then comments on them that made me realize just what a stir I had caused. And I'm really fucking sorry about it, guys, I'm sorry. I know I was weak when I left, but these last three days I've been looking at the computer, a thousand ideas running through my mind, but I let them go. I had to get to be relaxed. And so I called my friend (everyone knows the only friend I have in real life it's heatherlight) and I went over to Cadiz (she's staying there for the summer) and we talked. We just, kind of exchanged ideas? I came over today and she just showed me everything that you guys had done.

The blogs, the comments, the blind faith you have in me. And as I read everything I kind of started crying, but I was happy, I am happy. I've come back. And I've come back to stay and stay forever and ever. No hater's gonna bring me down. Hater's gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate. I'm going to take my time out of writing, though, because I need to breathe out still. But I'm here. I'm back. I'm inhaling Mibba and that's all I care about. Thanks to everyone who was there for me, everyone who missed me, and also thanks to the people who wrote the blogs even though I don't know you personally, really. You guys make my day c:

Oh, and one more thing. Non Omnis Moriar was my username because, as you guys already know, Not All Of Me Shall Die. But now that I've used it, Now that I can see wide open what it means... I've decided to change my name to Ms. Blue Skies, like the ELO song c: And I hope you guys like it and see this so you're not like, "Who's Ms. Blue Skies?"

Peace out, people, I'm back on Mibba c;

August 19th, 2012 at 01:51am