I know I've said it before, but...

I'm going to start working out like I'm training for the zombie apocalypse, or like the Wraith put a tracking device in me like Ronon in Stargate: Atlantis. (I must repeat: can you say geekdom times 2?) I know I said the same thing in a previous post, but it's still relevant as well as amusing to me. ;)

If you read my last blog post (horrendously depressing, I know, it happens -grimace-), then you can probably work out that I've been on a low since then. Well, I'm going back up the steep hill and I'm feeling motivated; I'm determined to become more positive and to create the body I want instead of just wishing for it (and, admittedly, daydreaming about it being magically bestowed upon me, hence the reason it's called daydreaming).

I'll post again tomorrow to talk about the workouts I'm going to do and other such things, but for now it's time to get ready for bed.

I wish awesome lives upon you all, but remember: no one got what they wanted by wishing and dreaming, so work on getting your awesome dream life and I'll send positive vibes your way. ;)
August 19th, 2012 at 07:25am