first time & self harm

So last night, it wasn't my FIRST first time, but it was my first time with my new boyfriend. We've been friends for the past year now; he was my first friend at my new school. We had a weird relationship before where we were pretty close, but I had a boyfriend at that time and I felt bad having feelings for him while being with someone else so I decided to stop talking to him to try to make myself feel like a better person. So after a little while of not talking I tried to pick stuff back up again this summer and it has worked out perfectly. We hung out a LOT during the beginning of the summer and remembered how much we had in common and realized how much we really like each other, and have been dating now for the past almost three weeks now.

Which is where my first point to this blog entry comes in - How soon or late into a relationship do you think it's appropriate to have sex?

I guess it really depends on your relationship, but society has us all set up for failure on the topic any way. You have sex too soon and you're a whore, you have sex too late and you're a prude but no one ever tells you where the in-between is. I really like Wyatt (my boyfriend) and I trust him and feel like I know well enough that he wouldn't hurt me in regards to the topic. He's really a sweet guy, and feel like I made no mistake here, but it's good to get an outsiders opinion.

And then brings us to the second point of the entry - How have you and your past and present partners reacted to (if you or they have ever) self-harm?

So it was kind of a funny situation, where he asked me to take my pants off, and I really wanted to, of course, but all my scars are on my legs. It wasn't quite that I felt like he would disapprove or anything like that, it was just embarrassing really. So after not answering whether or not I was ready to go that far I broke down and told him why I wasn't answering. The reaction wasn't exactly what I had expected. He laughed. It wasn't an offensive laugh, he just thought it was funny that I thought he would think any less of me because of it. He just made sure I was done with it, and let me know he understood that times get hard and that everyone has their own way of dealing with things. Then he told me he us to do it too, and that made me feel a lot more comfortable with it. Then he kissed my scars and it was probably the sweetest thing ever. I couldn't have asked for a better reaction from him.
August 20th, 2012 at 12:41am