Snog Marry Avoid

I started thinking about how much I hate that show because I'm watching an episode of 8 out of 10 Cats in which the host of Snog Marry Avoid is a panellist.

The premise of the show is basically for people with extreme looks and lots of 'fakery' to have a 'make-under' to turn them in to a natural beauty while being thoroughly insulted by a computer called POD for daring to wear make up.

I'm all for natural beauty, I'm also all for teaching people the appropriate amount of fake tan to use and how to put extensions in convincingly, that isn't what I object to about this show.
That's all fine.
What I object to is the fact that the point of show seems to be to suck all the fun and creativity out of experimenting with make up and fashion.
Aren't creativity and individual expression good things?
Aren't they things that we should be encouraging?

There is no right or wrong way to wear make up..Well, there is a wrong way - when it looks bad. That is wrong. But there are no rules, I don't care what people say.
Make up is like art - rules are death to creativity.
If I want to have black smokey eye make up and bright red lipstick on the same day that's entirely my prerogative. Same if I feel the need to cover myself in glitter or stick rhinestones under my eyes when i go out.
It's fun and I'm not hurting anyone.

I'm fully aware that what started as a fully formed idea has turned in to slightly disjointed rambling so I'm going to stop while it still pretty much makes sense.
August 20th, 2012 at 01:22am