A rant on high school relationships.

I was just thinking back to Valentine’s day— I know a lot of people who we’re taking the stance of, “lol fuck everyone in relationships.” Why? Why does being in a relationship automatically mean that day will be good, that that day will have meaning? Both the two Valentine’s days I’ve ever had in a relationship were shit. I mean, I went to a funeral this past one, and then my plans to see my boyfriend got spoiled. Which, isn’t surprising. He didn’t want to do anything to begin with. My mom was just making a big deal about it is why I talked him into it.

A relationship won’t solve your problems.

You’re not forever alone.

You’re in high school. Most of the guys (and gals for that matter…) aren’t mature enough to even consider being in a relationship. Having sex ≠ being in love, and it’s a fact that sex is looked on too lightly. I don’t agree with abstinence, but I do think some consideration should be taken at our age where there’s so many negative stereotypes that have been placed on our shoulders. Use your brain, condoms are cheap, and at many places free. You can go to your doctor at any time for sexual help without your parents being with you and they cannot tell anyone about the visit. Lack of knowledge in schools is a big issue, yes, but there’s so many other resources to find out information from.

I went on a tangent. Okay.

Going back to relationships— you never know what to expect. I spent middle school, being used as “practice” and as experimentation by another girl. I was stupid. Really stupid.

Ninth grade was spent chasing after someone who would never return my feelings, and maybe this was obvious to me, but either way I kept chasing and chasing until she became one of my close friends… in short— I was friend-zoned. After months of chasing, I just let go. In the process, I blew off the one person whom was interested in me.

Then I decided, all relationships are shit. That there was no point in high school and I might as well wait three years.

Well, fast-forward three months. I had made a few new friends, and developed two different “crushes.” There was this guy I would see walking to sixth period every day with long hair and a red cup. I thought he was pretty cute, yeah. So what did I do? I looked down at the ground every time he passed and would ignore him when he waved at me, because I assumed he was waving at someone else. Come to find out, we had a lot of mutual friends and were eventually introduced. For about a month I started hanging out with my friends more, including him. I still never really talked to him, I still looked down and didn’t wave back for the most part.

The next month, I broke my foot. I lost my best friend. I pissed off another half of my friends… I was lonely. Well, this said guy I’m talking about and I started talking, and in the course of three days things really bloomed… cheesy wording, I know. After three days, we ended up going out.

More than a year later, we’re still together. We’ve had bumps, but we’ve always seen through them. We took our relationship in steps, and we only took a step when we were both ready.

This is what I mean by you never know what could happen, and if you’re not in a relationship in high school it’s nothing to sweat. If you are, well, cool. Take care of it, take your time. We all think we’re older than we are, have fun, but use your brain.

August 20th, 2012 at 09:22am