Tooth Chip/Scars/Random Statements

So I have two chips in the same tooth that make kind of a point, and I just realized today that when you compare it to my non-chipped tooth, it's really obvious. It may also just be obvious to me though because I know it's there. Kind of like the scar on my head. I always notice it, but others never really seem to unless I point it out. I don't know how they can miss it. It's not big or anything, but still.


The right one is the chipped one, and the scar above my lip is from tripping and falling face first into a tile step when I was two.


The scar is right on my hair line, separating two rows(?) of hair (if you can't see it).

In case any of you were wondering, I got the scar on my head in fourth grade. There was "club" called the Pine Cone Club. They collected pine cones during recess. They used the trash they found in the grassy field to decorate a tree where they got it from. When the arrived the next day, it was all torn down. I was asked to investigate (I just got a science kit thing from my brother), and see who destroyed it. One of the members of the Pine Cone Club threw a rock to get a pine cone out of the tree while I was investigating, and it landed on my head. I had to get 8 staples (even though the nurse said I'd only need like 3 or 4), and accidentally kicked the doctor while he was shooting them into my head. i thought they'd be a better idea than stitches because needles freak me out.


My door has been sticking lately, and it's super annoying. I can't even open it without using both of my hands and pulling it really hard. It always happens in the summer for some reason.

I had dance practice today, and two of the girls I dislike the most weren't there. They are extremely rude and act like they're better than everyone else.

I'm a Mentor for this thing at my school, and my friends Kourtney, Karina, and I are going to decorate our shirts tomorrow.

My step-mom is currently with her anger management counselor.

I have a blister on my toe from doing hip-hop abs on a tile floor.

I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

There was NO AIR CONDITIONING in my dance studio this morning, so I was dripping sweat before we even started moving. It was super awful.

I just got a case for my computer, a cover thing for the keys, and a screen protector. Sometimes my computer doesn't read the keys I press when the cover thing is on it, but that's okay.

I really need to do laundry,
and homework,
and make up choreography for class,
and get the URLs from Karina for the breakdown videos she put on Youtube,
and clean my room (yuck),
but instead of doing anyone that, I've been watching anime and reading stories on Mibba.

My priorities are not straight.

My neighbor keeps trying to get me to show some dance moves to her grandson because he wants to go to a school dance, but I don't know what to show him! He's not going to be doing pirouettes and leaping around at a school dance. I don't think she quite understands what kind of dancing we do in my class. Or she just assumes that because I can dance in that style, that I can party dance as well. Which isn't necessarily true. I usually do stupid stuff at dances, like the sprinkler and the shopping cart, because I'm with my friends and I just need to let off some steam by not caring what others think for a moment and just acting CRAZYYYY!

I was POURING rain the other night, and lightening hit my house somewhere and shattered one of the glass panels on our fireplace. It also flooded our backyard (ankle deep)


I went to Subway today.

I don't think that anyone's actually going to read this.

Taking a shower this morning was pointless because I just sweated off all of my clean a few hours later.

I had to go with my dad to the dentist this morning.

My friend is a lesbian.
She's also a vegetarian,
and blonde,
and a dancer,
and only has braces on her bottom row because the top was already removed.

My boyfriend's little sister can be really annoying. His baby brother is super adorable though.

I think that Kazuma is sexy, and old food (like on/in dishes) is disgusting.


Have a wonderful day ladies and gents! :)

August 20th, 2012 at 11:57pm