Sick :P

Ew! I'm grossly sick! Snot and grossness is all over the place. My dad thinks it's funny to walk in the room with gloves and my brother's old mask on going "sorry, Jess, I don't wanna catch it".
Yes, haha dad. Very funny. I've been on and off the computer posting for all you wonderful readers out there. I hope you're appreciating this. No! I'm so not threatening anyone, I swear! Haha...ha...ha. Alright. Well, this sick person has to make herself some soup and help her mentally not-there-yet older brother tune his guitar since he claims he can't tune it without his tuner - which I know is a lie because I've WITNESSED him do it. He's just so lazy and very dependant on me when it comes to tuning.

"I bet Brendon Urie wouldn't have me tune it f I was his younger sister," I scoffed at him. He replies by flicking a pea at me and saying how he didn't care about Brendon unless he was going to sign him and his crappy, wannabe Panic! band. Just kidding! I actually like my brother's music. Sometimes...

Okay, I gotta go, really this time. He's getting upset at me, claiming that he's going to throw a peanut butter-stuffed doughnut at my face if I don't hurry. I'll blog you laters! Kay? Cool! :D

Jessie, out!
August 21st, 2012 at 05:49am