Hello Again!

Wow, Mibba, hi! God, it's been forever since I've actually been on, and I'm happy to be back!

But don't expect updates yet - I'm still getting into the swing of school.

Let's talk about what's been going on lately, because you totally want to know about my life. I'll post a journal with pictures later, because reasons.
This summer I:
-- got my AP World History exam back - I GOT A 3! I PASSED, GUYS! Still in shock.
-- went to the Ichthus festival - saw almost every band up front and personal, made contact with some, even got to meet Tenth Avenue North (which I'll get into later because reasons)
-- went to the Closing Ceremonies of the World Choir Games - WHERE IDINA MENZEL JUST HAPPENED TO BE PERFORMING!
-- read The Land of Stories - and got it signed by Chris Colfer himself. And yes, ladies and gents, that means I got to meet him, which will merit a whole other journal itself, because I'm still unable to process it fully without rambling which I'm doing right now.
-- got into Supernatural - I'm halfway through season 6, and hopefully I'll finish season 7 before season gr8 comes out in October

And we started school last Thursday, so I'm adjusting to Catullus and two AP classes and all this drama that I missed over the summer - some of which has inspired a few budding story ideas.

But gosh, I've missed mibba more than I realized - it's so good to be back, and yes, I will start updating relatively soon...ish.

What's been up with you guys?
August 22nd, 2012 at 02:12am