30 Day Challenge: Day 2

So I ignored my alarm again this morning... but I got up at 5:20, so I'm alright with that, I can deal with sleeping in, as long as it's no more than half an hour. After that, my day was very (hmm, how do I say this without using vulgar language?) dull, mundane, practical, just very blegh, you know? I didn't do my workout until 7 p.m. and for most of the day I had actually decided that I wasn't even going to do it, but at quarter to 7 I decided to suck it up and get off my lazy bum otherwise I'd be very disappointed in myself, and I hate disappointment.

Now, the reason my day was un-extraordinary: First, I had a job interview at 9:30, which was basically a formality since it had already been decided that I would be hired, so it was a decidedly irritating 15 minutes, followed by a leisurely 20 minute walk home. Second, I had a dentist appointment at noon, which lasted an hour and made me even more lethargic and slightly grumpy; I tried to take a nap so I wouldn't have to deal with the discomfort of feeling my mouth un-numb itself, but I wasn't really tired, so I just read in bed for a few hours (which really didn't help my general lazy attitude).

So, yeah, I had been set on ignoring today's workout, then I spontaneously decided to do it (not that I'm complaining about that, but I'm incredibly uncomfortable with the fact that I had my mind set on ignoring my workout on the second day). While doing today's workout, I frequently wanted to let my knees collapse so I could stop the torture, but I stuck through it, even if I didn't do as well as time went on, though I think that if I did better as my workout progressed, I would get angry because that would mean that I hadn't started off going as hard as I could and should.

Onto my food intake: The cookie my mom brought me, I didn't regret or fret over. The mass amount of tortilla chips with sour cream, however, I'm irritated about; if it had been a small, reasonable amount, I would've been okay, but I just wouldn't stop eating! I'm disappointed, but I've acknowledged it and now I'm moving past it.

Other than that, there really isn't anything left to say about my day, so good night/day and good luck in your endeavors. :) 30 Day Challenge; Day 2:
August 22nd, 2012 at 06:17am