why not?

So, I don't know where to start. Let's start with what I'm doing. I'm sitting on the living room couch, texting my friend (we're pretending to be Snape and Harry), watching Doctor Who on Netflix, and listening to the Of Mice & Men radio on Pandora. Next, a little about me. Um, you don't really need to know my name. I'm 15. I live in Texas. I just moved here in February from Alabama (where I lived my whole life). No big reason, my mom just got a job here. I have a 20 year old brother and a 25 year old sister. I'm the youngest. My sister has a 5 year old daughter. They both live in Alabama. I have the attention span of a five year old. My interests include BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, Tumblr, music, math, logic problems, and other things I can't think of right now. I, um... I have problems. I have ADD (which I think is utter bullshit), I may be anemic, I'm... depressed, and I may or may not have Dermatillomania. I didn't even know about the latter one until recently--about 2 days ago. I only found out because I told my friend with Trichotillomania about the symptoms in a conversation at her house, and she told me about it. I actually have two friends with Trich. The friends I have here are interesting. In ways, better than the ones in Alabama. They're compatible with me intellectually, they're not drama queens, and they're really good friends and people. The friends in Alabama were mostly quite dumb (and although I liked being the smartest, I found it quite boring), they backstabbed each other all the time, and they were horrible friends. But I love them. And I miss them. There are some horrible people I know from Alabama that I'm glad I don't know here. There was this one I absolutely hated. I won't say her name, but she was a horrible friend. She would put down every one of her friends to make herself feel better, and she was the stupidest person I knew. She still is. She just made me feel horrible about myself. And in a way, I'm the same as her. She put me down to make her feel better about myself by telling me my face was ugly. I put her down in my head by constantly putting her down about every single aspect about herself. And you know.. it doesn't make me feel better. Although I know she was just making me feel bad to make her feel better, it still stings. Maybe that's just because I'm really insecure and self conscious. It made me about two times worse. I hate going outside or going anywhere because I hate how my face looks. And it's her fault. No. It's my fault. But she still brought it on. So it's partly her fault. I also had other bad friends. I had this one who thought she was so much better than everyone else because she was smarter than everyone else. But she really wasn't. Isn't. And I really used to like her and admire her. But now I don't want anything to do with her. A year ago, we were close and she made her online boyfriend and me meet online. We became best friends. A year later. She's a horrible girlfriend. She goes around on this website, taking pictures of her trying to be pathetically seductive, and talking to all of these people and shit, and when her boyfriend finds out, he gets upset, and she gets mad at him being upset. How fucked up is that? And she goes around, talking about her ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends and her boyfriend just gets upset (he's sensitive) and she doesn't give a fuck. And it makes me mad. Although he's a horrible friend to me, he's still my friend and doesn't deserve to be treated like that. Um, well, back to the point. I have issues. So, on July 7, I started writing in a journal. I've kept it up every single night since then. Except for last night. I fell asleep before I wrote one. Bad wolf. So, I thought to be more creative. Well, this is just more of an introductory thing. I'll get more into the deeper stuff later on.
August 22nd, 2012 at 07:39am