I Hate Everything About You - i have a question

So i'm extremely torn with how i'm going to continue the story.
i don't mean whether or not i'm continuing it - because i definitely am!
But i need your opinions!

My original idea for the story was to have Harry completely changed - he was going to be like a completely different person. There would be a reason to why, but no one would know for a while.

BUT i'm thinking, because of you guys' comments and how much you actually like this mean side of Harry, maybe i'll continue his behavior the way it was previously?

I just want to know you all's opinions - i now have 217 readers and 63 subscribers and i don't want to disappoint anyone!

Plus i am a very, very indecisive person, so it would make the decision much easier to know what the readers want of the story!

Just so you know, i like it either way! I have the next chapter started, two seperate documents, one where he's the same as he used to be, one where he's changed. So the opinions won't cause me any trouble either way! Like i said, i just want you guys to enjoy what's going on in the story and it would help me A MILLION PERCENT if you just let me know what path you'd like the rest of the story to continue in!

I really hope this is enough words and Mibba doesn't delete this because i honestly really need this one, lol.

So i'm just going to use a few unnecessary characters to take up space okay #$!@*$^!)#*$%%*@~~~~~%#@*@$(@^@()!&$(#@)@#^$#@#

Okay that was really dumb i hope they doesn't delete it just because i'm an idiot..

WELL ANYWAY please leave comments and let me know which option you'd prefer for the story! (:
August 22nd, 2012 at 09:15am