I Am A Tumblr Noob

So guess who finally got a tumblr?

That's right, THIS GIRL.

I wanted one but it confused the hell out of me and then yesterday I was just like "I get it now! WOOOT!"

Who is a nerd? This girl? Yes. That is a correct statement.

Anyways, this is my tumblr. You can follow me if you like. It will mostly be cute baby animals (especially elephants, otters, and bunnies. Because elephants, otters, and bunnies are cute. And happy. And cute) and a bit of ranting and probably some recovery ED stuff. So yeah!

Ummm I need more words.

School started today! And I have three free periods PLUS lunch which is gorgeous. Oh my god, I'm a senior in high school. I STILL DRAW WITH SIDEWALK CHALK, HOW AM I A YEAR AWAY FROM BEING AN ADULT??? Like seriously though. >.<

Annnd hmmm what else. I have math first thing in the morning? YUCKY. And I'm taking Creative Writing and the teacher is crazy and a hippie and we have to sit in a circle and "share our feelings". I did not sign up for therapy, woman, I signed up for creative writing!! Oh well, hopefully the class will be okay. Although we're starting with poems. Yuck. And I had to write a "self portrait" of myself today and it was odd. I am not sure how I feel about it. Because I finished writing it and I was like "ohmygod I am a depressed little freak." OH WELL.

Woo, 263 words!

Bye lovelies. :3
August 23rd, 2012 at 01:03am