Running Out of Stuff!

I have a crap ton of subscriptions to stories....And yet.....I feel like I have nothing to read! Not that the authors aren't good anymore or that they're not updating enough: No. I just blow through them like the stories are three sentences long and then I attempt to hunt through the stories page for something new to read to keep me occupied. Which, by the way, doesn't work for very long.

So long-ish story short: I'm giving people a lovely chance to advertise their stories to me for something to read! (Or other people's stories if you think they're awesome, I'm not too picky) However: If you dare to try suggesting a Justin Bieber story to me, be prepared for a very enraged Micah (for those who don't know, he's my OC from my one and only drabble) to come after you with a rusty spork and gouge out your spleen. Kay? Glad we're all on the same wavelength now.

I'll even promise a few comments for the stories I find amazing (which honestly isn't hard to accomplish, I'm pretty much enthralled with anything written well.) I may even rec some and maybe put a few on my signature (cause we can all see that it's totally empty at the present time and that just doesn't sit well with me when I'm bored.)

So yeah! Big thanks ahead of time to anyone who gives me stuff to read, aaaaand.....Have a good night, I guess? (Or morning to those in time zones far enough ahead of me.)
August 23rd, 2012 at 03:14am