30 Day Challenge: Day 3

I only hit snooze once this morning and I got up at 5:10! I was pleased, though I still didn't work out until like 5 in the afternoon. It wasn't that I had planned on skipping it or that I didn't want to do it, I was just being lazy and procrastinating.

Anyways, back to this morning, today is Weigh-In Wednesday! I will be posting my weight every Wednesday to keep track, and while I imagine I'll lose the first few pounds rapidly, I think weight loss will be a bit slow at first (at least in terms of my actual weight loss, though I imagine fat/inch loss will be semi-steady in the beginning as I build muscle)

My weight this morning was 171.2 lbs. I'm 5'4", so the weight definitely does not sit well on me. (-grimace-)

I am pleased to say, however, that this is not my highest weight, which is a loaded statement. I'm glad it's not my highest because that means I've made progress, but I'm distinctly unhappy because it means I've weighed more, almost 20 lbs more, and I feel revolted because I let myself get there in the first place.

But I digress, back to talk of exercise! The strength today was brutal! I wasn't just sweating, I was dripping. It was equal parts disgusting and satisfactory... well, maybe a tad more satisfying, but not by much. Just enough to end the workout pleased with myself.

And oh my Dixon! I actually did my entire hour of cardio today! I felt so relaxed when I stepped off of the treadmill, I practically floated through my stretches.

Now, food intake: Argh! I ate way too much today! (well, I ate about what is normal for my body type, but that's too much for losing weight) Thankfully I at least had the sense to stay away from bad foods.

Again, the detailed workout can be found at the link at the end and the details of how I did can be found on my LiveJournal.

Ugh, I am so tired right now, and it's not even ten yet. Still, time for bed, so pleasant dreams to you all! 30 Day Challenge; Day 3:
My LiveJournal:
August 23rd, 2012 at 06:52am