Life/Roller Coasters?/ Powers/Kisses?/Insecurities? HATE THIS!

Is there something wrong with me?
Am I just a turnoff in general?
It seems like I can never do anything right. So, why do I even try?
Why do I try SO hard to impress people?
Why do I try at all?
I wonder why?
I wonder what everyone thinks?
About me.
About love.
About romance.
About others.
About life.
About my family.
About what I wear.
About how I look.
I am actually really insecure at the moment.
I feel ugly and gross and overall disgusting. I'm not as skinny as I would like to be. I'm a klutz. I eat too much. Then I don't eat at all. I try too hard. I don't try enough.
I could use a friend right now...
A shoulder to cry on..
Someone I can trust..
Well. Anyways.

When you think of having your first kiss do you think like a quick kiss or a peck is a real kiss?

I say no.
A real kiss is a long and passionate kiss. So, no. I haven't had a real kiss.

Do you know what love is?
Do you know how love feels?
I wish I said I love you more... I wish people would say they loved me more.

Why? Because I don't know.. It's just the way I think.
I hope that you agree too.

Off that note.. Life is like a roller coaster..
You keep going up and up until you fall and it has all sorts of twists and turns. It can be scary but it's still fun..

My life right now is really a roller coaster.
I don't feel like explaining it all.

If you really want to know then message me and I may tell you, but I may not..

I hope everyone has friends... At the moment I feel so alone, but I want to be alone. It just all depends on the person I am with or talking to.

So before I go I have some questions for you to answer!
1. Do you agree with me on a real kiss
2. Do you really know who your true friends are?
3. If you could have any power what would it be?
August 23rd, 2012 at 08:33am