New On Board 2.0

I really want to get to know this website. I think that it is just what I need! I have an over active imagination that I never get to free! I hope there are other people who are like me... biting your tongue because your busy mind wants to break free, but! you know that people would be weird-ed out if we say what comes to mind.
I want to be free from filter! && I think that this is the place to do it? At least I hope so! Cause otherwise I wouldn't really fit in... Nonetheless, this is for me! :)
Unicorns and Butterflies.. and My Little Pony's! Oh my! :)

^ This was already deleted once because it was too short. :( I wish there was a word counter or something on the side so that way some of my blogs will be out of risk of being deleted! Oh well I need to adjust and get used to typing away every little bit of emotional or thought so that way these will end up super duper long! Thank goodness that I have word or I would not be able to know the official amount of words I am using.

I have a tumblr too if anyone out there wants a friend who has a lot of stuff to say, think or otherwise show photographs to express my words. Etc! Just ask ☺
August 24th, 2012 at 04:49pm