Rant about douchefaces

Okay so yesterday in English this fucking jerk had the nerve to say

"I don't see the point in blind people. They can't do anything productive or noticable because they can't see"

And I had to bite my tongue because that really rubbed me the wrong way.

Like really, Asshole? Do you know any blind people? Fuck you, like seriously. My mom has been blind since I was in THIRD FUCKING GRADE. She's had to raise 3 daughters without being able to see. Really, think before you talk okay. You don't know shit.


I went to the home game for football last night and we freaking dominated. They were handing out t-shirts that said "Western Boone Stars! Go! -2012-" so I got one. I sent a text to my best friend in Illinois (He went to Webo with me until last year) and said "I don't know if Webo is really good or if Clinton Central sucks" and he laughed at me. We won 34-7 haha. and the dance team performed at half time and this fucking sophomore looked *sarscam* really into it haha. He was like "I don't care. it's hot can I go home" and yeah. I stood in the cheer block for most of the game and we were all wearing our shirts we got at the game and face paint and drinking lots and lots of powerade.

okay i'm done, bye.
August 25th, 2012 at 06:16pm