Religion debate

So I wad reading a journal a bit further down the page about religious extremeists, and it really intruiged me. I don't want to victimise anybody here, but the general idea I was getting from this person (can't remember your screen name, sorry love =\) is that christianity is homophobic and generally a bad thing. Which actually, kinda offended me.

I'm a Christian and I have no problem with gay marriage. I think everyone needs to go careful about how you view religion, as there are different denominations and individuals who don't share the old fashioned view of whats right and whats wrong. Fir example, I go to church with a gay vicar, and even the little old biddies adore him. You're simply refering to the extremists, who are in fact a minority.

A majority of Christians (and other religious people) I know have their own personal beliefs on how they view social matters. I don't want to be rude, but a lot of people here have a very narrow minded opinion. However I can see where your coming from, as the general stereotype of religion is not very complimentry, but I can assure you, from the inside, that it is totally different.

Most people on here dislike labels and stereotypes such as 'emo' and 'goth', so why should religion be stereotyped as well? By tarring all religions with the same brush it simply shows the immature and prejudiced nature of many people, and if you protest about being known as a 'depressed, self hating, pathetic emo' and then turn around and call all religious people homophobic, old fashioned and all the other comments I've heard dotted about mibba, then it just makes you a hypocrite.

I'm not naming names or trying to make anyone uncomfortable or trying to start a fight, I'm simply tryig to put my views forward, because as a christian it can be hurtful to here other people slate the one thing that I believe in with all my heart and telling me that I'm a lesser person for beleiving a polluted system which is destroying the world.

Just think before you type people. Please.

August 30th, 2007 at 09:10pm