30 Day Challenge: Day 5, 6, &7

So days 5 & 6 were active rest days, so I danced around my room a lot more than usual and ate well on day 5, but I ate a whole cheesecake, a frozen pizza, and one of my mom's (very high calorie) chicken enchiladas. I figured I'd get all of my comfort eating out of the way at once (since I knew it was going to happen one way or another) instead of continued bad eating for any prolonged period of time.

So today I ate well, but I didn't get out of bed until 10:30 this morning... Ugh, whatever, I'll be getting up early tomorrow cuz I have stuff to do, serious stuff involving my new job (omfg, I finally have a job!) which might make me go all grumpy-pants for a bit because I'll suddenly have to do things at certain times on a regular basis, but whatever, money for stuff my parents won't get me because "Get a job and buy it yourself."

My workout today was hard, but honestly I was kinda let down, I was expecting another killer like days 3 & 4, but it was still good. I'll post my results on my LiveJournal tomorrow (again, yeah, kinda lazy/tired right now; busy working on Obedience, want to get it down while I'm in a creative mood).

Good night to all, hope you're all well. :)

LiveJournal: 30 Day Challenge:
August 27th, 2012 at 07:31am