I found a way to conquer writer's block! + Editing your custom profile?

Or at least I think I've found a way!

I've been doing a lot of thinking the past week while I've been stuck at my cabin (appropriately titled cabin hell) and I think I'm getting stuck because I'm always stuck on the same four or five people. I write about the same two bands all the time. I think the repetitiveness is starting to kill my inspiration.

Which means that I'll be branching out a little more, I won't be abandoning my fandoms completely, I don't think I could ever do that. But I'll be writing about other bands, maybe even a Bieber, or Directioner oneshot.

Yes I know that's scary coming from me, to be honest I'm slightly nervous about branching out into new fandoms, I don't know how to go, I've become so comfortable writing about five or six individuals that anyone else just makes me uncomfortable.

Hopefully it'll help my writers block go away, I can't see it doing anything to make matters worse.

But seriously I think y'all should leave a comment with your favourite band where you don't see enough of their fan fiction on the site, not making any promises but if I know the band I might, probably, more then likely write something and send a message to you :D

Then you can edit your custom profile, but it has to be in HTML and I really don't know how to do that, so is there a way we can edit it like we use to with the BB code for text and stuff?

Until Next Time
Sex, Drugs, & Rock N' Roll
August 28th, 2012 at 06:26pm