The lack of sympathy from Irish people :C

Wow. It's been a while since I lasted blogged, well, I say a while. It's been a couple of days, but stILL. I feel like I've been giving you guys too much of a care-free break, as harsh and horrible as that sounds, it's true. I don't really have anything specific to say though, so...


I went to JLS last night, and I met them, something which Louise (Lee Malia) found absolutely hilarious. Here is a long list of our text conversation which I'm sure you couldn't care less about. Enjoy.

Me: Going to meet them now omfg.
Louise: HAVE FUUUUUUUUN!!! Remember Smatkins :/// XD
Me: This is going to be so awkward. I'm not getting in the picture tho XD
Louise: I bet omg tell me how awkward it is after please omg XD is it like a full proper meet and greet where you hang out and stuff?? XD
Me: No, there's loads of us and it's just like, a quick hug and a picture or something idk &yes, I will definitely tell you XD
Louise: Orite okay XD it sounds like it'd be si awkward omfg have fun...c':
Me: I'll try to ;D we're waiting in line, we're near the front (I think I meant the back, y'know)
Louise: Oh god. Surrounded by chavs yeah??
Me: Totally :///
Louise: ...God help you :/
*15 minutes later*
Me: It was so awkward oh my fucking god. They forced me into the picture, they like advanced XD apparently I have my eyes closed in the picture hahaha!
Me: YES. And Marvin (the tall one) hugged me really tightly, it was so awkward oh my god.
Louise: Lmao aww okay XD laughing at your pain hahahahahahaha. Did you get glared at by chavs???
Me: Not really hahaha! But it was so bad. I only hugged two of them though, and that was forced XD omfg
Louise: Lmao omfg XD poor you aw, I can't omg askdhdsshgdhjdjfd
Me: It's not funny D:
Louise: is a little XD
*hours later*
Louise: was JLS? ;D
Me: JLS was AMAZING. TBO who?

Whoops. So, yes, this is my announcement that I'm transferring all my stories to Jaston ones (aka JLS slash) Sorry guys.

Oh, and Louise is not a nice person to me :C She showed absolutely no sympathy D:
It was so awkward though, you have no idea. NO IDEA. It was terrible. Absolutely terrible.
August 28th, 2012 at 08:55pm