Self Conscious.

Hello mibba-ers...
I don't know, I was trying it out, sue me!

So I just wanted to talk a little bit about one of my biggest personal struggles when it comes to writing: Sharing it.
I don't know if I'm the only one who feels like this or if I'm just like everyone else but I am so beyond the beyond of self conscious about my writing. I've spent years as a closet writer, where no one, not even my mother knew I wrote and that I loved it. Then a friend of mine showed me this website, where I quickly became addicted, but still feel the same fear I've felt for years.
I literally stare at a project for months before even saving it as more than "Document 1" (I have a lot of 'Document' files on my computer.) So when I do decide to share a story on here I constantly stress.
I usually upload it before I go to bed so I can't obsess too much.
Then, I check it first thing in the morning to see if anyone even read it.
If people did, but didn't comment, I go through a minor mental panic. I decide it was an awful piece, I shouldn't have ever even started it, and that I should take it down.
This is usually where I finish my coffee and settle down a bit before I decide maybe I'll post one more chapter and see how people respond, first.

I actually just posted my first piece on Facebook today, I was pretty proud of myself, but I almost posted it along with a six paragraph explanation of why I wrote it - the original piece was only 130 words - but I felt the need to explain to the 89 people on my Facebook about why I felt the need to write this. Rather than just facing the fact that either people like it or they don't and realistically, I only have 89 friends on Facebook, who's going to read it anyways?

Maybe it comes from my Mother, who I constantly hear judging other peoples work, and even though she doesn't realize it, and I don't have the heart to tell her, I often hear it as her criticizing me. Like, I'll show her a picture I thought was pretty and she'll pick apart the things that make it not good, and it sucks because I'm just standing there wondering if she realizes how I hear it.
I don't know.
Anyways, does anyone else suffer from the new work jitters or am I alone on this?
August 29th, 2012 at 06:36am