Lonelyness Part 3

Well here we are again. This time it's not really about wanting to be with someone, like a relationship, but I am feeling deprived of human contact. I just have the need to do something with someone right now instead of being cooped up in this damn house doing nothing until I fall asleep in 3-4 hours.
Driving at night usually helps me in more ways than one, but I for one think it's too early to go for a drive. There are still people traversing the streets. I like to go when there is hardly anyone else out. I just like seeing empty streets at night. I just like the night overall. The darkness, the colors, the mood it sets is so soothing. Doing these night drives is very therapeutic . It gives me time to myself, and seems to enable me to really think about whatever is on my mind at the time. But, I tonight, I'd like to be with someone on that drive tonight.
If not a drive, a nice walk would be great too, for it's a beautiful night to be outside. It's not hot, and it's not cold. The bike paths nearby would be a nice walk. Though I'd be a little nervous walking by any one of the parks that the paths lead to since shady crowds tend to hang there during these hours.
Ugh.. Gnight y'all.

August 29th, 2012 at 08:20am