Talk to me about blog layouts.

I don't usually post blogs, but I'm working on a blog layout tutorial so this seemed like the most logical place to go. The tutorial is going to be adapted from this story layout tutorial, which is set up as several examples of things people like to do with story layouts rather than a step-by-step guide for making one type of layout. I want to do the same thing for the blog layout tutorial, but due to the whole I-don't-usually-post-blogs thing, I don't actually know what people like to do with blog layouts.

So that's why I'm here. It'd be very very helpful if blog-posting people would let me know what sort of examples should be in the blog layout tutorial. What confuses you about the layout maker for blogs? What do you want to know how to do with blog layouts? What have you figured out how to do that you think is nifty? Let me know and it'll go in the tutorial. :3

This is slightly under the word limit, and as fun as it would be to abuse my staff powers and post it anyway, I won't be doing that...this time. B)

Here's a list of things I could easily ramble on about for any number of words, but won't because that would be very boring:
• My current intense dislike of Best Buy due to a particularly irritating recent shopping experience there that reminded me of all the other irritating shopping experiences I've had at that Best Buy.
Degrassi, it's characters, it's inconsistencies, and it's ships; especially the utter bullshit that was Emma not ending up with Sean.
• All the complicated, multilayer anxiety going on about starting grad school in less than a week. (Less than a week! D:)
• How awesome my ESL student is.
• The complexity of my feelings towards George Lucas.
Arrested Development feels.

Blog layout tutorial suggestions, go go go go go.
August 29th, 2012 at 06:00pm