August 29, 2012

Yeah, I know. It's been almost 9 months since I've posted. Dont worry. I've brainstormed. Alot. I have two stories I've been going back and forth on. One is called "Wont you tell me who I am?" Its about a girl, 26, named Savihal, (YES I USE THE SAME CHARACTERS FOR EVERYTHING) who is engaged to, yup, you guessed it, Jimmy Sullivan, 29. Feet become cold. Someone goes head first into rocks. Someone gets jealous. Someone spills the beans. Who is it? Well, I havent gotten that far yet. Im still working on getting passed the hospital scenes, LOL!!! The other story is called "Nikole..?" Love gets lost, and lust becomes priority. There IS a love child involved ;) I know you'll love it. Just FYI, Nikole is a derivative of Savilah's soul. Or character. What!? Just being poetic, LOL.

My sutiation since the last blog I've posted has greatly improved. I went from living on the streets of Hollywood, shelters, and motels, to my own apartment. Great improvment. I've met tons of people, new, and somehow, old. Nikki's old testeman is closed. Sealed. YES! Back in school for a second semester at LACC. A B C D E F G, lets go earn a degree!

I almost forgot to mention, I actually do have one more story I'm brainstorming. Its going to involve werewovles, vampires, and those awesome people with the Avenged Deathbat wings! No name for it yet, no initial story line. Just know, Jimmy murders Sav's half lycan, half vampire son, and shes out for revenge.. for 500 years..

I've done it on other writing sites, so here it goes here. Email me ideas. Help me brainstorm. You want a fanfic written? Email me the details, and Ill see what I can do. I might already have something ready for ya! I don't only do Avenged Sevenfold fanfics. I do Green Day, MCR, Twilight, Supernatural, etc. Hell, I'll even do a Brittney Spears if ya ask nicely ;)
August 30th, 2012 at 07:02am