My first club experience last night, inappropriate yet exciting.

Seeing as I'm able to go to a 18 & over club now, I did just that on a sort of a whim after practically begging someone to take on FB. Well, I mostly hinted I wanted to go a club I know of over here in Hollywood. So my friend Rivka offered to take me and be the driver, so I was happy I was getting to go finally!

After waiting for 20-25 minutes we got in, and while we were driving there Rivka was giving me "the lowdown" on what happens when she usually goes. Well, let me say she couldn't have been more right. In the midst of first getting there and on the dance floor, guys inevitably try to touch you or grind on you without you even knowing you're there. I'm sure this isn't a new thing to most clubs, but it was for me! Guys never usually notice me, so to have someone be all up in my personal space, I was just like "no thanks, no really, no thanks." and they usually left after that.

While dancing with my friend, I happened to find a cute boy to dance with, and he pretty much danced with me the whole night. Despite him living about 2 hours away from where I live, I thought he was cool. Except for the times he'd touch places I'd rather not say. I don't know what is with people trying to get all up in your kool-aid when dancing, maybe it's the songs they were playing that were a bit suggestive. It wasn't forceful or anything, just people thinking they're "suave" and being all sneaky and what not.

Either way I had one and I thought for my first time and managing to find a guy to dance with most of the darn time wasn't that bad. Even if he was a little too touchy feely for my taste, I guess it's all apart of the experience. You can't expect much from Hollywood.

I felt like a normal kid for once staying out till 3 in the morning. Not sure if this is really "my scene" but it's very fun dancing, especially some of the songs they were playing, I was like "This is MY SONGGGG!" and yeah.

Completely random post, but I thought it was relevant to recap and document last night's events and my first time experiencing it. It was a fun though being with my friend and all that jazz. But for last night, all I'm saying is PERSONAL SPACE!
September 2nd, 2012 at 08:12pm