31 Day Writing Challenge... #2 - Writing Nurse

2. Why did you pick this writing project?

I started this project because I haven't been writing much lately and would like to get back to the way things use to be. I use to write all the time. I would write stories , songs, poetry, and even tried to write a play when I was in middle school but then I lost interest. I started getting into manga and anime. I spent most of my time reading books, learning how to drive but not getting my license and looking for a job all while in high school. Then school ended and I was trying to figure out what's next. I think I want to be a writer but I think I also want to look into nursing or both. Plus I haven't been useless my blog like I use to and there has been time when I've miss used it so I just thought why not.


‎Sunday, ‎September ‎02, ‎2012
September 3rd, 2012 at 12:34am