Loving that one person and knowing you will love them for the rest of your life :\

So I split up with my boyfriend on Saturday, we both kinda knew it was going to happen due to the constant arguments and the fact that we just weren't as happy as we used to be... but it still really hurts. We met up last night to try and talk things out but we just ended up arguing again.. but after a while we decided that maybe we could be friends... but every time I speak to him he tells me he loves me and I just feel like I'm going back to square one. I still love him too but it's like how am I meant to move on and just be friends with him when we keep saying we love each other still.

I know there's not really any chance that we'll be getting back together, but I just wish things could go back to how they used to be. When we were both happy, like we were in the honeymoon period. All my friends keep saying it's gonna take time and I know it will but I'm sick of crying and just feeling utter shit.

I really don't want to have to not have him in my life as I've known him 15 years, we were close before but since being together we really grew close and now I don't think I can just not have him in my life any more :\
September 3rd, 2012 at 10:42pm