
What exactly is this 'time' everyone speaks of? I hear it used in several contexts everyday, and I fall asleep more confused than I was the day before. Someone asks, "What time is it?" They're speaking of the hour and minute of the day. The want to know at which standpoint they're at in that moment. "I had such a great time!" Time as in a memory? Time as in a long period that something good or bad happened to you? This is where I perpetually confuse myself.

How do we know how time is measured? How do we know when it starts, or when it stops? Does time exist? I get to the point where I am now: What is time? One definition I've come across is : a limited period or interval, as between two successive events. These two events being life and death let's say, time would be measured as in a lifetime? Why not a minute? Should we all run off and only measure time between these to events in different situations? Have I confused you yet?

I'd get so frustrated as a child. No one could explain time to me in the way I wanted time explained. I didn't want the strict answer of "Time is how we measure the day", I want to know what it is. Why it is, who invented it, and why they've taken it away.

People who pass away at a young age: Was their interval of time between two events, being life and death, just as long as mine? Maybe they just lived it too fast?

And there you see why time has been and always will be my sworn enemy.
September 4th, 2012 at 12:42am