this is so sick! its from fox news

An Austrian teenager has confessed to murdering a man he met in a homeless shelter and eating parts of his brain and internal organs, authorities said.

The 19-year-old, named only as Robert A, is alleged to have killed his 49-year-old roommate by crushing his skull with a 20lb iron bar, before using a butcher’s knife to remove the man’s intestines.

Click here to read the story from The Times of London.

The murder is believed to have taken place at least three days ago and was discovered yesterday when a cleaner entered the shelter. The man allegedly told her about the murder and asked her to inform the police.

Officers who arrived at the ground-floor flat in the 15th district of Vienna found the body lying in a pool of blood, with body parts spread around the room. Half-eaten parts were found on a plate in the kitchen.

The 19-year-old was sitting next to the victim, his clothes allegedly soaked in blood. He reportedly greeted the officers by saying: “Just look what happened here.”

A police investigator said of the scene: “We are supposed to be prepared for situations like this, but this surpasses the limits of imagination.”

The two men reportedly lived alone in the shelter, a two-bedroom flat that is run by a private social care company, financed partly by the city authorities. It was created as a first-aid accommodation for mentally ill people living on the street. The residents receive weekly visits from social workers.
August 31st, 2007 at 03:00am