
I don't understand why L is still treating me so badly.I thought things had changed.I guess not.And she acts so bitchy all the time...I try to ask her what's wrong,and why,but she always says 'nothing'.I don't ask her more than a few times.She doesn't deserve it.

Is that mean?Well it's true.She doesn't.

I have a psychiatrist appointment today.Yay me.And I'm getting my meds,I guess they pushed up the dosage a little because they aren't seeing any results.I don't actually give a fuck,because depression meds don't work.

Whatever.Hopefully today will go alright,at least.

(Edit:I guess this got deleted because it was under 200 words.That kind of pisses me off.What if I don't have 200 words to day?What if I only have 10?That's fucking stupid.I guess I'm going to have to remember that,because next time there probably won't be some friendly person willing to save this for me.Goddamn.)
(I hope that was 200 words,because I'm not typing this/posting this again.Ugh.)
September 7th, 2012 at 03:50pm