My Crazy Rant/ Maybe Epiphany

I was about to go to bed, but I was thinking and I had to write this down. I think I just had an epiphany.

This might not make sense to you, whoever you are, but I think I understand now.

It was not right.

You can tell when something is right. The Universe will send little hints your way or a feeling. Just something to let you know that things are the way they are supposed to be.

Everything has an opposite side though. If the Universe sends you hints when things are going right, then wouldn't it also send you hints when things are going wrong?

So here's my lightbulb moment:

When I first kissed him, my eyes were open. I didn't know what was going on or why my eyes were open when I knew they should've been closed.

I think subconciously I was hoping for it to be over like in She's the Man at the kissing booth?

But I mean if that was the case than why did I let it happen over and over again?

When I think of it now, I'm a little ashamed of myself for that whole day, but I know now that part of me knew it wasn't right.

I mean, the one time I don't listen to my instincts I get screwed over....

My eyes were open.

When you're with someone you like, or even love even though that wasn't the case, you're not focused on what's going on behind them. You're focused on the kiss.

Now I realize that I wasn't focused on much that day. Maybe the Universe was trying to send me hints.

Maybe I should listen to myself more often.

Maybe I should just pay attention to the Universe and then things won't get screwed up.

Wouldn't that be nice?
September 8th, 2012 at 05:16am