Time For Another Update

Right. So, as you've noticed, I haven't updated any stories in a while. That's because I haven't been writing for a while. I have a lot of stuff going on right now.

First, there's school. It's my final year. It takes up a lot of my time. Not homework, just going to school. Second, I've discovered a new band and started straying away from the Manson fandom in general. I'm finally hitting the steampunk phase (only a few years late), and Manson is just kinda.... blah to me any more. At least for this week.

Third and most importantly, I've permanently damaged--not broken, just damaged--both my wrists. It happened at a school dance. I can hardly move them without the braces, and can hardly move them WITH the braces. Anybody who knows me knows I have to handwrite everything I write or it doesn't get done/isn't right. It hurts to write and type. Everything is on hold for now because of that. Also, I can never be a musician, which was my biggest dream ever. But that's another blog for another day.

And it seems I've lost inspiration/motivation for writing. So for now, Lend A Helping Hand is only going to be one chapter (SORRY FIERCE, PLEASE FORGIVE ME... D:).
September 9th, 2012 at 08:29pm