"I give a big middle finger to so-sigh-eh-teeee."

My brother is drinking, which means fun all around. I made the comment, "Gee, wish I could drink." to which he replied, "Who says you can't?" My answer was society, so he looked at me and said the above quote in the title. He then went on a huge rant about society and how we as a people should rise up against it and yada yada yada. I sure love that kid.

Anyhoo, school has started. It's been in session for about four or five weeks now. I hate it. Well, I guess hate may be a strong word... but I don't like it. My classes are too easy. Except for pre-cal, and that's only because the teacher doesn't teach. He just kinda lectures us about life the entire time and then gives us x amount of impossible homework. And I'm not a math person, at all, so I need someone to pretty much hold my hand the entire time. And I have a B-. My only B- out of a pretty row of A's... :(

To top it off, I tested into AP Language, but it didn't fit in my schedule. So I get to take a regular English 12 class. I affectionately call it 'remedial English' because it's ridiculously easy. I don't mind, really. I like the teacher and all. But I'm doing vocabulary and workbook worksheets. I finish all the work in ten minutes tops and am sitting there looking at the rest of my class like, "Dafuq do I do now?"

And, for some more bad news, my mom pretty much told me that Franklin was out as far as college options go. It's a small little liberal arts school that's only about an hour away and their English courses looked so interesting. But it's double in tuition what IU is... capital d colon (That's D:, for those of you who are confused as to why I spelled it out.)

Uhm, I should end this blog on a happy note!

I went to Half Price Books during their Labor Day sale. I got six new manga and my mom got three books. It cost a total of $33. I love that place. The first time I had ever been was last year with my German 3 class (Only three of us went on that field trip.). But I was sitting in the bus afterwards, looking at my purchases and then my receipt and shouted out, "Wow, it really is half price!"
Duh, Rachel. No shit. It's in the store name.

And then I got a mocha frappe and we went to the Red's game and got stuck in traffic on the way back. Fun night, fun night.

Have some Asian men in leather:

You're welcome.
September 11th, 2012 at 02:49am