Let's Go To The Carnival!

Hi peoples. I just got back from Atlantic City. And yesterday I went to the carnival! With one of my friends. We went on this ride called Disko about three times. And Crazy Mouse about five times. It was fun. Except now I have this huge bump on my arm because I bumped it somewhere.

And then we went bungee jumping! We waited forever, and we finally go! But then when they strapped the harness on and I jumped, the fucking harness kept riding up and when I got off my crotch started hurting. Fuck.

And then there were go carts! And a rock wall! I would have gone to the top, but my arms were giving out.


1) Make sure you don't wear flip flops while rock climbing. Your feet will hurt.
2) Make sure the harness won't ride up in your crotch.
3) Make sure you have good upper body strength.
4) Don't get fooled by those people at the carnival games. I wasted so much money, it's not even funny. Needless to say.

And when you go on Crazy Mouse, make sure you have room. Because if you don't, it will hurt.

And now I'm listening to Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy by FOB.

Okay, I'm done. How are you?

School starts in exactly seven days. An all girl high school. I am so going to fucking rot for the next four years.

And happy birthday to Ryan Ross!
August 31st, 2007 at 05:14am