
she punched me in the face and like that I am done. At first it was funny she punched me in the face. soft and like a little bitch. why you ask why did my "best friend"punch me in the face. honestly I don't even know she didn't want me talking to her boyfriend who I am friends with. she didn't want me talking to him alone. So she punched me, added to my problems. added to my self isolation. It was funny and funnier when i got high. but now it's real. the girl i thought was my bestfriend the girl I opened up to punched me in the face. and now I am done. all my suspicions are true she just used me, and she punched me in the fucking face and now i get to sit in the office in pajamas and color and not be allowed to see my friends because the principal doesn't think thats a good idea. stay on school grounds he says. so cheers to quitting smoking. cheers to more isolation, cheers to getting worse, cheers to people sucking. cheers to being me.
September 15th, 2012 at 06:31am