Normandy's Issue With America's Sweetheart: Taylor Swift

No one can deny that for the most part Ms. Swift is in fact, the golden child of the U.S. She's blonde haired, blue eyed, a Christian, she's sweet to her fans, she writes songs to help sick children that can totally bring you to tears. She is Taylor Swift and the world be damned if she isn't just a freaking doll.

Or at least, she comes off that way on the surface. Dig a little deeper; take a look at the lyrics of some of those super-duper catchy songs. Anyone else beginning to catch whiffs of jealousy and pettiness? An inability to handle ended relationships in a mature, and private manner, or is it just me?

Need examples? Looks like Christmas came early.

How Ms. Swift handles an ex leaving her for another girl: writes Better Than Revenge.

What does it contain? Some of the most immature lyrics I've ever seen her spit out, including, "Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did," and my personal favorite, "She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress." First, you treat a woman your age like a child because she "took" your boyfriend. I'm sorry. Is he an object incapable of making his own decisions? Did he not have a say in who he decided to be with? I seem to forget that boyfriends are "toys" as the song puts it and they can be snatched away without their consent or input into the situation. Darn my slip of brain. And we all know it was all the other girl's doing because she's a downright slut and the precious (ex)boyfriend just had no control over what was happening. Nope. He wasn't at fault at all. And you know what this song tells us? Slut-shammig is totally okay. It's great. It's fine. The girl deserves it if she "stole" your man. But if the guy does it, it's okay because it's totally not his fault, it's just in his nature, they get restless, you know?

...Does anyone else smell a double-standard here or is it just me?

Society already tells us it's okay for a man to do who or what he wants, because it's just who he is, it's what he does. But a woman with the same behavior? Hahahaha, dirty tramp. Let's be frank, sexism in play as the world around us once again shows just how men and women are not treated equally. And you know what we need to help balance that out? A world famous, role model pop-star telling the young girls who idolize her that a girl who sleeps around deserves to have names and rumors thrown around. Because to be worth anyone's time a woman must be pure, modest, and demure. I'm sorry, but no. How a woman dresses, who she sleeps with, or any of that do not make her less worth your time. How or if you exude your sexuality should not make you less interesting, or less human. So thank you, Taylor Swift, for telling us it does in fact drop you below the level of the (seemingly)pure and innocent. Thank you for telling us girls who do the same things as boys deserve to be bashed and slammed. Gotta love slut-shamming.

How Ms. Swift handles the end of a relationship: Write a song about your ex while leaving little hints throughout your lyric book as to just who they are, or blatantly use their name in the song, that works, too.

Dear John, anyone? Yeah, we get it. John Mayer has proven himself time and time again to be terrible when it comes to relationships. His other exes seem to handle the breakups maturely, keeping quiet as they avoided stooping to his level of revealing intimate details of their relationship to the public. Taylor Swift? Not so much. She bashes his "sad empty town" as though trashing the crooner himself wasn't enough, why not just attack the city, too? Because you know it's to blame for your failed relationship. Or Mr. Gyllenhaal, who has been revealed to be the subject of her new single "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"? Simple; get a guy who looks similar to him to star opposite you in your music video, then, while promoting your performance for the MTV music awards have the host hold up a picture of his face taped over Gyllenhaal's body as the two of you stroll down the street. I didn't realize it was so chic and classy to throw your personal life out into the spotlight like so and get filthy rich off of it. I guess I've been doing it wrong all along. Lesson learned, Ms. Swift. I now know private lives and relationships shouldn't be personal at all if you can make bank off of them and make your exes look like total scum a the same time. I always forget my relationships don't work out because the guy is a total douchebag and it's all his fault we break up. Darn.

Simply put, I'm still trying to fathom just why she's considered such a great role-model. She promotes slut-shamming, which in turn helps promote the societal treatment of women being unequal based on the "purity" scale. Just, no. Totally wrong. Not to mention we're learning from her personal lives don't deserve privacy, and a guy who breaks your heart deserves no respect or kindness. Right. I can't quite deal with that. And I certainly can't respect her on those fronts.
September 17th, 2012 at 07:22am