If you could only see!

Well I’m just waiting for your text. Hopefully I will end up telling you today or maybe you’ll figure it out. Which ever happens I hope it’s for the best!!
You’re the best guy to talk to! I’m not afraid to talk to you I’m just afraid of admitting that I like you. You don’t think that girls like you when really any girl will be lucky to have you.
You’ve been on my mind all day. You’re all I’ve talked about. I need to know if you feel the way that I do. You should be getting out of football soon so maybe I will finally find out what I want to know.
I’ve decided that you’re going to find out today whether you guess it or if I just finally come out with it. I think it’s time that you know how I feel and hopefully I’ll find out how you feel about me. Maybe it will be a good thing. Maybe we will end up together or at least going to homecoming together. There must be something about you that makes girls just melt when you look at them. Maybe it’s your eyes. Who knows? Well I think it’s time to tell you!
-Sierra Sieber
September 18th, 2012 at 01:04am