
Personality -The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. I’m doing a personal study on personality. How do you view yourself? How do others view you? Everyone has at least four personalities: when alone, at school/work, with friends, and with strangers. But what is your core personality? In my opinion, it’s the personality you show when you are alone. How do you honestly view yourself? Everyone puts on some sort of façade for the public. What do people want to see? What’s a “normal” personality? Very few people are bold enough to show their true self in each category.
I’m doing a personal study about personality to try and find out who I am. (it’s part of a project for English too). So this is how I honestly view myself: cynical, sarcastic, depressed but strong, tough, unafraid, skeptical, stubborn, (sometimes) confident, angry smart in certain areas, independent, I can be caring, kind, sympathetic, empathetic, and understanding. All of those things mix together to make up my individual unique personality. But how do other people see me? Who do I come across as?
People say they hate fake people but everyone is honestly a little bit fake. Some personality traits are socially unacceptable so people hide them away so no one will see. They only show what they think everyone wants to see. When I’m around strangers, I want to come across as totally confident, happy, fun, and easy to get along with (this is talking about the majority of happy “normal” people). In reality I’m only a little happy, kind of confident, not really all that fun (unless I’m with certain people), and if I voice my true opinions and feelings, I’m not easy to get along with due to my cynical view on the world and sarcasm. If I was bold enough to show my true self, my first impression would not be very pretty.
September 18th, 2012 at 05:39pm