Yes, I'm still alive.

Hello fellow Mibbians! It's been far too long since I've been around.

Right on the heels of an unfortunate episode of writer's block, I had a serious family event occur. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say that I nearly lost my mom, far sooner than I should have ever had to even think about burying a parent. Fortunately, all is working out and her health is getting better.

It was certainly one of those events that makes you re-evaluate your priorities -- but it also left me with not much time for writing. A new semester of school has begun, which also limits my time. However, I do want to pick up writing again ASAP -- possible this afternoon/evening. We shall see.

One of the priorities that I have rearranged is my desire to publish my original fiction. I don't know if many of you know, but I actually have many original fiction (mostly posted on FictionPress and some available in e-book format) that I have never been able to get into a publisher's or agent's line-up. I want to re-focus on that goal, however, so Wild Pitch will probably begin with updates sooner and more frequently than Under Control, Saving Grace, and Honest -- although I do plan to finish those stories and hope to update at least one chapter to each of my four stories before mainly focusing on Wild Pitch and some other original fiction I have in the works.

I received some great comments and feedback while I was on my hiatus, and those were much appreciated! I hope all of you are doing well and I can't wait to catch up on the stories of yours that I've missed reading.
September 18th, 2012 at 08:15pm